The Albatross project “Servan’s garden” is organized on the site of Albatross foundation in the Loire. This classic permaculture project which will eventually be approximately 1500m2 including 500m2 of greenhouse united 3 aspects:
- A “fork to fork” aspect because a local restaurant is considering buying back all or part of the production that will be with organic label to make the project economically viable;
- An educational aspect to make young people aware of “growing and eating well”;
- A “futuristic” aspect: how will we feed ourselves when there are 9 billion of us on the planet? How will we eat on the Mars Platform in 2031? For this Philippe Stephanini, astronutritionist, indicates that Albatross must dedicate 100m2 of the greenhouse to this aspect. The resources of the nearby pond on the estate will be useful.
And we already have our Blobs!
Go and see what a blob is !!!! who will live in the ISS with Thomas PESQUET and in 2000 schools during 6 months.