Albatross and EMLyon Business School have established a multi-year partnership. This partnership concerns different projects and the students are involved in several levels of Albatross’ activities.

Makers Project
With the Makers project a group of students in a high school under the aegis of a professional coach had the mission to increase the visibility of our mobile application Saphir, to work on its deployment with new partners and to produce a video highlighting the link between our activities and the IPCC.
In addition, our volunteer webmaster, Aurore Yang, trained these students to finalize a complete redesign of our website on a new multilingual platform.
Ekko Deloitte
With the project “Ekko/Deloitte” a group of Master students worked on an in-depth study for the sustainable exploitation of the Albatross seat which extends on 5hectares with habitable outbuildings, horses, an educational garden and a pond.
The study proposed various options, including the transformation of the site into a third-party reception area with tax benefits.
With the “Noise” project, EMLYON students who are volunteers and sensitive to sustainable development have joined together in an autonomous association that can participate in actions in the field.
Thus, several Noise groups have already participated in permaculture and organic agriculture training days at the Albatross educational garden located in Forez (Loire).