Annual Reports and Accounts

Albatross Foundation

Non-profit association, recognized as being of general interest, created in France on November 23, 2017, authorized to issue tax receipts :


Siret : 837 532 019 00010

The Statutes of the association

The members of the Board of Directors, registered at the sub-prefecture of Montbrison

The Rules of Procedure

Announcements in the Official Journal of Associations:

Year 2023

Annual report 2023

Financial statements 2023

Year 2022

Annual report 2022

Financial statements 2022

Year 2021

Annual Report 2021

Annual accounts 2021

Year 2020

Annual Report 2020

Annual accounts 2020

Year 2019

Annual Report 2019

Annual accounts 2019

Year 2018

2018 Annual Report

Annual accounts 2018