Collection of Children’s Books on the Environment

The series of books “Environment of Life” includes 6 essential topics on our living world: water, light, air, earth, fire and tree.

History of the Albatross book collection

Albatross Foundation has developed a series of 20 trilingual books (French/English/Chinese) aimed at raising children’s awareness of the environment and humanistic values.

The launch of the books took place in 2010 during the World Expo in Shanghai with the presentation of the first set of the Albatross Collection on the elements of nature (water, earth, air, fire, light, tree) to Mrs. Carla Sarkozy and the promotion of her activities on the French Pavilion during 6 months.

books on the environment

Raising awareness of the environment in a playful way

The drawings illustrate the daily life of Chinese children and allow children around the world to discover Chinese culture.

In these books you will find: children’s stories, activity ideas and games that help children explore the world around them and learn to better respect their environment.

This unique and unprecedented collection of trilingual books (Chinese, English, French) also allows you to learn several languages.

These books are suitable for children 5 years and older.

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