News from the Albatross Association Our Workshops and the Educational Garden Sustainable agriculture training day with students from Lycée du Forez Albatross day to raise awareness of sustainable livestock farming with EMLyon students Harvest, picking and jam day at the Albatross EcoLabel Garden Beekeeping training day with GDS42 Training day on seeding and pollination Workshop on seedbed preparation and the impact of livestock farming on sustainable agriculture Our Environmental Awareness Actions Application Saphir: New for autumn 2024 New Saphir Oceans module created by high school students Middle school students observe Saphir Fête de la Science in Lyon Albatross and the Climate Fresco Everything about the SAPHIR application Our “Train the Trainer” programs in companies Pass Love Charity Volunteer Training Environmental awareness program at Auchan Environmental awareness program at Rhodia Environmental awareness program at Imerys Environmental Awareness Program at ADEN Services Arkema’s environmental awareness program Children and teachers training program with Air France /KLM Training of volunteers at the Institute of Eastern Tibet Training of volunteers with the sponsorship of the Rhône Alpes Expo 2010 Pavilion Our Awards and Recognition CJ Meadows, co-founder of Albatros, honored in CSR and Sustainability Albatross accreditation to the United Nations Partner Portal Men of Filière 2024 Albatross awarded the Ecofest Eco Responsible Label Innovative social enterprise award for The Tiger Center King Baudoin Trophy 2022 Presentation of the project to the France-China Committee of MEDEF Albatross wins the King Baudouin Foundation award Probono 2020 Trophy Our collaboration with other associations Tiger Center’s health awareness efforts Albatross accreditation to the United Nations Partner Portal Sustainable agriculture training day with students from Lycée du Forez Young Ambassadors Intercultural Weekend at the Albatross Foundation Scout weekend at Albatross Foundation Cooperation with Tiger Center and donation to Mr. Deputy TAITE Innovative social enterprise award for The Tiger Center Participation in the Million Tree Project of Shanghai Roots & Shoots Sponsorship of the education of 2 Miao girls Our other news Albatross Foundation President invited to present Albatross at Harvard University 100th anniversary of Harvard Mention in the Journal de la Commune de Pouilly-lès-Feurs Interview in the July 2024 World Class Newsletter – Harvard Law School Harvard Law School Meeting and Acknowledgements World Environment Day Solidarity with Ukraine Albatross interview on RCF Radio Release of the book “La Finance Numérique