Our “Train the Trainer” Training

Each year, Albatross partners with volunteers, especially young people from business and engineering schools, to become Albatross ambassadors, especially for its flagship projects, theSAPHIR application and the Servan Garden.

Trained by previous ambassadors, their role is to assist in the development of these educational, environmental and civic projects, according to their interests and skills. The “Train the Trainer” program allows anyone, young or old, to provide training on sustainable development topics.

The “Train the trainer” course is also available by distance learning on request.

Our Objectives

  • Deploy the SAPHIR application and the SERVAN educational garden in the field, in classrooms, on educational farms and in other places where young people are taught.
  • Training with our experimental tools and kits.
  • Find additional support in cash, kind or skills.

The “Train the Trainer” Program

In Company

Employees are trained to use simple tools to raise environmental awareness.

After the Train-the-trainer program, these staff members give lectures and distribute Albatross books to local schools and communities.

These CSR programs allow companies to conduct team building sessions for their employees and serve the surrounding communities.

At the School

Our environmental education programs are offered to children in schools and institutions with :

– Support for the organization of training sessions in schools.

– Distribution assistance for the 6 Albatross books of the Life Environment series.

– Post-training field follow-up reports.

In Association

The Albatross Foundation organizes training sessions for volunteers at the Foundation’s headquarters to build a network of Albatross trainers.

sustainable development application


Since this year, we also offer the “Train the trainer” distance learning course. Contact us to learn more!

The Trainer’s Manual

The Albatross Train-the-Trainer Manual includes instructions on how to run a school classroom, a complete lesson plan, support materials, and some helpful green resources.

With this book, teachers can train children to be environmentally friendly with fun stories and creative games on selected topics, such as trees, energy, soil, water,…

Download the free trainer’s manual in English or Chinese:

Companies that have trained their employees

Our Book Donation Program

This collection of educational books was launched at the Shanghai World Expo in 2010. Composed of six books written in three languages (French / English / Chinese), this collection helps children learn about the most basic elements of our world, including water, soil, trees and energy.