Our Organization

The Albatross Foundation was created in April 2011 in China and in 2017 in France by Ghislaine Bouillet-Cordonnier, who subsequently handed over the Presidency to Lucille Deville.

Dr Ghislaine Bouillet-Cordonnier, founder

Ghislaine holds a PhD in Financial Law from the University of Lyon III with a thesis on a US-France comparison of Venture Capital, a Master of Laws from Harvard University and Masters degrees in European Law and Business Law from the University of Lyon III. She is a member of the New York and Paris Bars.

She worked as a lawyer in international law firms in the United States and France, then as legal counsel for the World Bank’s privatization programs in Africa, based in Cameroon. Based in Cambodia, she then took part in press freedom programs and the UNESCO World Heritage listing of Lake Tonle Sape. Following this experience in international organizations, she joined major industrial groups based in Singapore and then Shanghai as Senior Vice President Asia Pacific, in charge of legal affairs and coordination of sustainable development programs.

Ghislaine is the founder of the Albatross Foundation,(www.albatrossglobal.org), a non-profit organization based in China, Singapore and France, whose aim is to provide free education in sustainable development by training over 12,000 children and distributing over 72,000 books. Ghislaine is also founder of the “e-commerce” site and publishing house create2donate(www.create2donate.org), which aims to promote authors, artists and other creators of intellectual value with a philanthropic profit split(i.e. 1/3 for the creator of value, 1/3 for the Albatross Foundation, 1/3 for an NGO chosen by the buyer or by default Albatross). She edited the first collection of Albatross children’s books, published in three languages, Chinese, English and French, and launched at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.

Co-author of the International Treatise on Environmental Laws and articles on OHADHA and debt-for-nature swaps, Ghislaine is also the author of a book entitled “Pactes d’Actionnaires et Privilèges Statutaires” published in January 2019 with contributions from Law Professors and a Legalteck, 2/3 of the profits from which will fund Albatross.

She currently works as a Pro Bono lawyer, and was nominated for the Trophées Pro Bono of the Paris Bar. She won the Paris 2020 Pro Bono Trophy – Prix Spécial Québec, for her book “Pactes d’actionnaires et privilèges statutaires.

Ghislaine Bouillet Cordonnier’s LinkedIn profile

Philippe Rosier, Honorary Chairman and Founder

Philippe Rosier is CEO of Symbio. He was Chairman and CEO of Cerdia (formerly Rhodia Acetow) from April 2015 to October 2019. Spinoff of Solvay in LBO with Blackstone since June 2017, Rhodia Acetow is a specialty chemicals company, leader in the transformation of cellulosic materials for use in various fiber or plastics markets. Philippe was Chairman of Rhodia Energy and then Solvay Energy between 2002 and 2015. He transformed the company from an energy procurement business into a sustainable and profitable international company that provides energy management services worldwide and develops “climate care” solutions. He was also the founding Chairman of Orbeo, a 50/50 joint venture with Société Générale, dedicated to the CO2 emissions markets.

In 2014 and 2015, together with Solvay’s Sustainable Development Director, he led the task force preparing Solvay’s new sustainable development strategy.

Philippe is a graduate of ESPCI (Physics and Chemistry of Paris, France) and ENSPM (Ecole des Pétroles et Moteurs – IFP, France), and holds an MBA from Insead. He is an auditor at IHEST (Institut des Hautes Etudes pour la Science et la Technologie, France). Philippe Rosier chaired the Energy, Competitiveness and Climate Commission of MEDEF, the French business confederation, for 5 years until the end of 2018. For the past 7 years, he has been Chairman of the Energy Committee of Business Europe, the European business confederation.

Since January 2009, he has been a member of the Economic Council for Sustainable Development, created by the French government to lay the foundations for new sustainable growth.

Philippe Rosier’s LinkedIn profile

Lucille Deville, Honorary President

Lucille initiated the flame of the Albatross project.

She is a psychology student, academic chess champion and trilingual (French, English and Chinese).

She is the spokesperson for the Albatross association at public events.

In particular, she is involved in developing educational tools to raise children’s awareness of sustainable development.

Lucille Deville’s LinkedIn profile

Honorary Strategic Committee

  1. Christine ALSFEN-NORODOM
  2. Emmanuel ALTMAYER
  3. Herve DEVILLE – managing director of Create2donate
  4. Cornie HUIZENGA
  5. Abdul JABBAR
  7. Thierry ROSSIGNEUX – In charge of whistleblowing for ethics and governance.
  8. Michel YBERT
  9. Zoe ZHAO – Treasurer, Albatross China
  10. Arnaud ZOHOU – CV
  11. Vijay MEHRA
  12. Prof. Dr. Guila Clara KessousUNESCO Ambassador for Peace
  13. José Miguel Vivanco

Honorary Supervisory Committee

  1. Dr Laurence BLANC – Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Physicians Without Borders and Professor of Anatomy at the University of Austin, Texas
  2. Dr Lu HE
  3. Dr Edward KWAKWA
  4. Pr. Stephanie JEAN-DAUBIAS
  5. Dr Chris MARSHALL
  6. Dr Sarah MAVRINAC
  8. Prof. Pascal METIVIER
  9. Pr Lydia PRICE
  10. Dr. Alessandra RIVA CV
  11. Dr Cristina TAIOLI
  12. Dr Raymond ZOUKPO
  13. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Al Saoud

Scientific and Educational Committee

  1. Florence ALTMAYER
  3. Myriam CAMUS
  4. Dr Françoise CORBESIER
  5. Dr Brigitte DESJOYAUX
  6. Jérôme DENIS
  7. Laurent HENAUT – CV
  8. Dr Pascal LEROUX – General practitioner and Army Reserve doctor
  9. Stéphane MONSALLIER
  10. Ali MEKOUAR – CV
  11. Dr. Suresh NAIR – Obstetrician & Gynecologist – Mount Elizabeth Hospitals
  12. Ahmadou OUMAROU
  13. Claire PEILLOD
  14. Dr. Mathieu QUINIOU
  15. Sébastien RIGHINI
  16. William ROUVET
  17. Dr Koen SEVENANTS
  18. Dr. Louis VOVELLE
  19. Dr Yinong ZHANG
  20. Dr Ying CHEN – Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  21. Dr Arianne Kirley, Founder of the NGO Amman Iman
  22. Aurore YANG
  23. Prof. Fernando VILLAREAL-GONDA (Mexico)
  24. Philippe Rosier – Honorary Chairman
  25. Lucille Deville – Honorary President

International Legal Committee

  1. Vangelis ANDREOU (Greece)
  2. Angel BALLESTEROS (Spain) – General Counsel, Safran Competition Division
  3. Dr Christian BUHERING-UHLE (Germany)
  4. Felix DASSER (Switzerland)
  5. Jin FANG PUN (Taiwan)
  6. Jan William HOEVERS (Holland)
  7. Joey HOFILENA (Philippines)
  8. Mohamedu JOHNES (Liberia)
  9. Emad KHALIL (Egypt)
  10. Joseph KTENIDIS (Greece)
  11. Eva MAPPY-MORGAN (Liberia)
  12. Motonobu MATSUO (Japan)
  13. Mauricio MONTALVO (Ecuador)
  14. Francesca MORETTI(Italy)
  15. Antonio NUNES-TRUILLO (Colombia)
  16. Vidal PEARLMAN (Israel)
  17. Edouardo QINTANILLA (Bolivia)
  18. Naima SAID (Nigeria)
  19. Dr Per SEVASTIK (Sweden)
  20. Michael STENSTROM (Sweden)
  21. Esin TABOGLU (Turkey)
  22. Lawrence TAYLOR (United States)
  23. Jun WEI (China)
  24. Juan Francisco Torres Landa Ruffo
  25. Jamil Zouaoui (Morocco)

Creative and Artistic Committee

  1. Daniel ANANADAN – Sculptor from Togo – Director of the Emmaus Centre for the Homeless in Montbrison Loire
  2. Natalie BASTIANELLI
  3. Charlotte BOIDRON
  4. Laurence CLEMENTS
  5. Raphaëlle FRANC – Nursery gardener and artistic blacksmith
  6. Michael FREEMAN
  7. Laurence GACHON – Aquitaine Director Association Petits Princes
  9. Dr Sharon HECKER
  10. Paul HUME
  11. JESSICA – Top model and musician
  12. Martin KEMBLE
  13. Rhoda LANE O’KELLY
  14. Cheryl LOH – CV
  15. Andrew LUMcomposer
  16. Melka RIVE
  17. Paul SHIRLEY
  18. Dr. Joao TOLEDO
  19. Philippe TOURNAIRE
  20. Hugues de VAUTHIBAULT
  21. Prof. Dr. Ann WARR
  22. Eno YIN
  23. Huang ZHEN
  24. Florence HONORE-YBERT
  25. Guiseppe CALABI (Italy)

Almuni Team

  1. Dr Narany ANN
  2. Dr Stéphanie BALME
  3. Dr François BLANC
  4. Dr Jean Pierre DESIDERI
  5. Soline BICH
  6. Raphaëlle BOUCHET
  7. Laure DERON
  8. Pauline DUCHOSSOY
  9. Adeline FOGEL
  10. LI Liang, gallery owner
  11. Martine FONTANILLES
  12. Xu KAYUN
  13. Annick de KERMADEC
  14. Mdm ZHANG
  15. Michael ZHU
  16. Arvind SING
  17. Norbert Deville – General Manager of CETAF – Centre Technique d’Appui et de Formation
  18. Marie-José COTE – former Secretary General of EN3S – Ecole Nationale de la Securite Sociale
  19. Marie-Pierre SEVE-GUIGNON
  20. Dr Béatrice VERGEAT-ESPESSON
  21. Geneviève Dell – CV
  22. Simon Lecaulle
  23. Samuel Marze – Albatross Ambassador
  24. Hervé PalmierWebsite – Albatross WEB Project Manager
  25. Aurore Belle YangOraconseils – Webmaster
  26. Isabelle COTE

Youth League

  1. Carlos Murillo – Young Ambassador – Double degree student at École des Mines
  2. Amzir Buba – Young Ambassador
  3. David Zimo – Young Ambassador
  4. Adam Eyre – Student at emlyon
  5. Léa Savarit – Student at emlyon
  6. Gonzalo Blanco
  7. Léa Carrera
  8. Constance
  9. Henri Jardy
  10. Flora Lan
  11. Marie-Nella Mackpayen
  12. Faustine SAURON – Albatross Ambassador
  13. Pierre Van Uhnen – Albatross Ambassador

Senior League

  1. Monsieur Georges
  2. Henri Jardy