Presentation of the project to the France-China Committee of MEDEF

In December 2019, Albatross Foundation has won the Innovation Award of Franco-China Committee of MEDEF with a pedagogic water filtration kit to educate children about water management.

On September 8, 2022, Albatross has been invited to present the progresses made on this project and the presentation was made by its president Ghislaine Bouillet-Cordonnier and Sebastien Righini Member of the Board. Due to the Covid crisis , a major development took place for this project with the signing of an agreement with CNRS/Liris to develop a mobile application, interactive, multilingual and scientific on the same topic of water :

In addition, experts from France and China presented innovation projects including Antoine Viellard, Director Seed Care SOLVAY who introduced an agro program of water captation around the roots of plants as well as two experts on water management Dr. Hao-Yi Cheng de Harbin Institute of Technology and Zhu Bing Project Engineer SUEZ.

Detailed programme of the meeting

9:30 – 9:35 am : The Alumni Club activity and objectives by Sybille DUBOIS-FONTAINE, CEO of FRANCE CHINA COMMITTEE

Illustration: new technologies for a better water management

9:35 – 9:50 am : Update on GAIA PROJECT developed by ALBATROSS FOUNDATION regarding education of the youth to sustainable development and water cycle through an interactive app and scientific kits since 2019 victory in the Innovative initiative Award category by Sebastien RIGHINI and Ghislaine BOUILLET

9:50 -10:05 am : Presentation of water management innovation regarding captation of water by crops roots by Antoine VIELLARD, Seed Care Director, SOLVAY

10:05 -10:20 am : Presentation of a water innovation by Dr HAO-YI Cheng, Professor at School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Schenzhen

10:20 – 10:30 am : Testimony of SUEZ, member of the FCC, on innovation challenges today regarding water management by ZHU Bing, Innovation project engineer

How to better benefit from the Franco-Chinese innovation ecosystem ?

10:30 – 11:00 am : Discussion with experts and participants