Albatross Foundation
Association for the Sensitization of Children to Sustainable Development
in a scientific, free and playful way, thanks to innovative tools
15,000+ children trained in China, France and Brazil

What is Albatross?
Albatross Foundation is a non-profit association, legally established in 2011 in Singapore, in 2012 in China and in 2017 in France. Its mission is to promote free education for all and to build a global organization for education in sustainable development for young people, using innovative, interactive and fun tools.
What are our objectives?
The continuing destruction of the earth’s environment is a problem that demands action. We believe that education is an effective and sustainable action. Together, we can lay the foundations for building a healthier world.
Our aim is to educate and train children in sustainable development and humanist values, because we believe they are the future and will play an important role in meeting the challenge of protecting the planet.
Because we are convinced that protecting the planet should not be the monopoly of a single organization, we work in a multitude of ways with different partners to raise awareness of sustainable development around the world.

What do we do?
Albatross works to raise awareness in a number of ways:
- Via a collection of 6 trilingual books (French, English, Chinese) of children’s stories, activities and games, aimed at helping children explore the world and better respect their environment.
- Through a training program for adults and young adults, who can then teach Albatross courses to children.
- Via the Saphir application developed by CNRS-Liris, which offers a complete, interactive and fun way of discovering the environment, with didactic sections, tests and memory games.
- Through themed workshops (cooking, permaculture) and summer camps for children.
How do we work?
Albatross is an “i-foundation” that operates with zero fixed costs, zero employees, but 100 high-level honorary founding members from all over the world.
Members represent 1/3 scientists, 1/3 lawyers, 1/3 artists. They all work as volunteers for the association, helping to develop sustainable living conditions.

Where are we located?
Due to the environmental challenges in China, Albatross Foundation’s first years focused on training Chinese children in elementary school.
Children have also been trained in the San Paulo region of Brazil.
Since 2015, our action has been focused on France with a presence in the AuRA region, with programs on the environment and ecosystem conservation.
Our awards
In December 2019, Albatross Foundation received the innovation prize from the MEDEF Franco-Chinese committee for its project of fun water filtration activities in the classroom and via the SAPHIR digital application, developed by the Liris/CNRS AI laboratory.
In 2020, Albatross won the Trophée Pro Bono of the Paris Bar in the Prix Paris-Québec category
And in 2021, Albatross was awarded the Prix de la Fondation du Roi Baudoin.

Albatross Education
Raising young people’s awareness of sustainable development

SAPHIR Mobile Application

Sustainable agriculture educational garden

Books on the Environment

Albatross Nature
Introduction to life in the great outdoors

Gîtes AlbaHomes

Nature camps

Albatross Legal
A shared commitment to pro bono legal and solidarity work as lawyers, authors, law professors and legaltech experts

Albatross Create 2 Donate
A solidarity and artistic sales site and a humanist publishing house
Support Albatross and give the gift of solidarity!